The Choi Seung-hee Traditional and Creative Dance Company is a scientific organization that studies individual's constitution, and does its best to provide proper dance through various classes from body management to etiquette. They create good works with infinite ideas to develop both domestically and abroad, and are the only group in Korea that can express dances of the South and North.
→more2023 북한이탈주민 문화예술유공 장관표창 수…
멀지만 가야할 그 길 공연
삼색 부채춤, 장구춤, 쟁강춤, 사당춤, 사계절 춤
한반도 무형누리
세계한민족 공연예술축제
여무동락 우리춤 남녘에서 북녘까지
하나의 길